Cancer Free / Day 46: Hairy Beast-lady

cancunchairHola! Buenos Dias!! Posting from Cancun! 

Our holiday so far has been really great. Massages, playing in the warm sea and best of all getting kissed by a dolphin yesterday! I’ve always wanted to do that and even Elliott agreed it was really an amazing experience.

Here are some surprising things I’ve said on this trip:

  • I need to wash my hair
  • I have sand in my hair
  • Can I pop in here and buy some new mascara?
  • I’ll be back, I need to shave my legs
  • Should I wear my hair in a Mohawk today?

Yes you’ve guessed it. I’m now a hairy beast. I have facial hair that’s blonde and shimmers in the sun. I have eyebrows that I now pluck and leg hair that grows super fast.

I did get upset when there was a bit of sunburn on my back as it made me think of radiation. I also get looks from my short hair but they don’t know my secret…..that I’ve just survived breast cancer and I’m kicking ass!!!

Feeling: Awesome