The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of appointments. Yesterday morning we went to a fertility clinic near where we live to get started on egg harvesting. I know way more about the IVF process then I ever thought I could. We’ve signed up to start 30 June so we should be done with it by 12th of June. Then I had an echo of my heart to make sure that the muscle is strong. Apparently chemo can damage the heart muscle so they wanted to make sure mine was okay before beginning.
Finally this afternoon we had our first appointment with our oncologist. She made a special appointment for us so we wouldn’t have to wait. Very considerate of her! We’ve arranged a start date for chemo, 16 July so I can finish the egg harvesting and then have a rest. I’m going to do what they call 4 & 4. So it’s a total of eight shots, one every two weeks for 16 weeks.
With regards to the genetic testing she says we’ll hold off on that for a few months and aim to get the results in before I’d start radiation. She said there’s no reason to do radiation on a breast that we’d end up removing if the results are positive. That made sense but gave me a bit of a shock thinking it could be that quickly.
She did say that chemo was not going to be fun and that it will zap my energy. But what I need to remember is that I don’t have breast cancer anymore. That I have to keep saying it to myself over and over. That I’m choosing to do chemo and extra treatment is to ensure that the cancer cells floating around won’t get together and have a party.
Honestly she said so many other things it’s a bit of a whirlwind. I need some time to process them all and then will feel I have more energy to relay them back. Going to bed now…xx
Feeling: Exhausted