So that wasn’t that bad! We got to the centre around 10 and the place was almost filled up, barely an empty seat! I got a good chair and Elliott moved it so I couldn’t see some of the regulars who were there. Not good for my mental state right now.
I had an EKG to check my heart, they cleaned and fixed my port, a doctor examined all my war wounds to make sure I was healing properly. Then I started.
I took a tablet to stop nausea and then they waited an hour
Then they gave me two nausea drugs intravenously followed by saline
Then they gave me steroids
Then they took my lunch order (ha!!)
Then they pushed the red drug first
And halfway through the first injection of it I got lightheaded and passed out for maybe a few seconds. I did tell them I felt lightheaded and then all of a sudden it was a swarm of people around me. I had oxygen, they put my legs above my head, hooked me up to everything. My blood pressure was fine and my pulse was fine so they think it was anxiety about it being the first time. But within just a few minutes I was back to normal, so thirty minutes later they pushed the rest of it.
Then more saline, and more chemo drugs, and yes I ate my lunch and it was nice.
My head is very woozy, I’m guessing from the nausea medicine. I feel very tired, but I’m guessing that’s from the buildup of today. I’m not sure quite what I thought would happen, turn into a dragon?
So Elliott is already asleep and I’m soon to follow.
Oh, and my pee is red.
Feeling: Fine