So even though my chemo day itself was up and down, I can say that this has been the easiest day after a chemo session I’ve ever had. Whilst I still had my moments where I got upset and cried, for 99% of the day I felt great. The sleeping pills have made such a huge difference in getting through this. I feel more normal, my appetite hasn’t suffered as much, I ate scrambled eggs for breakfast, a burrito at lunch and then salmon and cous cous for dinner! I’m not usually on to normal food until day 3 or 4. I slept 8 hours in a row on the tablet instead of getting up every 2 hours to eat or wee. And in my head I feel clearer. I’m getting a bit anxious as our nanny is on holiday next week and my tired days are usually after all the meds stop, so I think that will be Sunday – Wednesday before I start getting my energy back without the use of steroids. Ell’s lovely parents are going to help me out and luckily Ell isn’t travelling anywhere next week so he can help in the evenings etc.
I’ve got some random photos I’ve forgotten to post. One is from when I went to get fuel for our car and had forgotten I took my wig off and threw it in the backseat. It looks like a dead animal!
The other is my genetic form for my BRCA testing. I went and had that done Tuesday so should hear back early/mid December. But again they think I only have a 15% chance of having it. So all good news 🙂
Feeling: Good