So here it is, another birthday
Last year was all about crazy celebrations, making a big show, and this year I feel more about relishing in my simple home life and concentrating on really feeling grateful.
I had a lovely day, and it was sunny! Elliott took me to breakfast and then I had an amazing two-hour hypnotherapy session. I still go every few months to have my head cleared out of its cobwebs and help to give me a bit of peace that I need. It’s definitely a treat for me so I work to enjoy it.
I think for me this year I’m feeling better than I ever have and happier than I’ve ever been. I’m loving work, we’re trying to sell our flat so we can move to the countryside into a house, and we’re loving watching Evie grow up before our eyes.
I’m grateful for all the birthday messages, and thankful for all the prayers. I feel very humbled by all of them! xxoo