I don’t want to go back and read, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t in this much pain the first cycle. I wake up okay, but the nausea is worse…steroids make me feel so angry…and by the time evening comes around my feet/ankles/legs feel like pins and needles, bordering on being on fire.
The palms of my hands ache badly, and last night I couldn’t stop crying…my Mama calmed me down, and Elliott kept feeding me pain killers and then finally a sleeping pill so I could rest.
And thank heavens that this morning when I woke my pain was gone. I was worried that the pain might stick longer, but it seems to come and go.
Tonight it’s back, but not as bad. And strangely no headaches?
We went to storage today in hopes I could find my wig, but no luck. I had a bit more hair come out today then what has been normal. It might be the beginnings of my losing my hair, but it’s hard to tell.
I guess we’ll see soon. xoxoxo