We’ve just received the good news that at first glance it appears the cancer hasn’t spread. The tenor of our lives has changed significantly having this thing cut out and knowing that it’s most likely not spread. All the stress of the last two weeks, lack of sleep, lack of appetite and sheer panic has just slipped away. The care I received was just amazing. My room was lovely and I could hear the trees blowing outside my open window, it was just so peaceful and made a huge difference to our day.
So next steps, we go back on Monday and confirm that the lymph nodes are cancer free as they will have had time to investigate them fully.
In addition to the tumour they also removed about 1cm of tissue around it to see if the cancer has spread outside of the tumour. If it has then I will have to have surgery again to remove more tissue in the hopes that they are getting it all. Will find out that on Monday as well.
The priority now is to heal from my surgery and then I’ll be referred to my oncologist to discuss my schedule for egg harvesting, chemotherapy and radiation.
Now off to bed with me, tomorrow I get to see my sweet girl!
Feeling: Grateful