Sorry I’ve not said anything on here in a few days, but that’s because other than being pretty tired, I’ve felt REALLY good. Just like my old self again, so I’ve been trying to get out with Elliott and Evie in the lovely London weather. I’ve had no side effects the last few days and even last night I slept all the way through for the first time since the second round of chemo. Hooray!
We’ve got an appointment with my oncologist tomorrow morning where we’re going to talk about which day this week we’re having my next session, and some other questions we have. It figures though that right when you get back to feeling like yourself, they hit you again. 🙁 🙁
Some good news also is that I was able to get in contact myself with the genetics testing people at the hospital and they are going to fast-track my BRCA testing. They told me that there is an 8-week waiting list to get the test, and then another 8 weeks for the results. Way too long!! I’ll be done and dusted with chemo by then so we need the results much sooner to know what we’ll be doing for my secondary therapy. Hope to get a date in the diary to get that test ASAP 🙂 Then we can book a holiday for ourselves. I know it sounds crazy but I’m going stir-crazy! We were doing so many trips with Elliott and I got so used to going places. Now to just sit here and not get to do anything, ahhhhh!
Feeling: Good