I had a good weekend. That keeps happening to me, which is something that I’m happy about. Evie was crazy fun with her Albert Einstein hair (honestly, where’d she get the curls from!?) and we tried to keep her busy with the park and general funness.
When we came home on Saturday I took my bra off, and lo and behold, my black crust came off!! It was pretty sickening, but underneath that disgusting lava crust was pink, fresh nipple! Three cheers! All the bad feelings I’d been getting on how that crust would take off half my nipple were for nothing. I’m good as ‘new’ again. 🙂
This afternoon I had another check-up with my surgeon. When I walked into the outpatient clinic the receptionist guy took one look at me and handed me the form with my name on it, without me having to give my name. I started laughing and I said, “oh dear, that’s not a good sign!?” He laughed and said, “it just means we both need a break from this place.” He couldn’t be more right.
And as it turns out I finally get a break, my surgeon says I don’t have to see him for three months!! I’m a “good healer.” I’ve been told to not try lifting Evie for another week (guilty of that) and that I’m not allowed back to work for 3 weeks, though I’m looking at ways around that!
I’m feeling good about my progress so now just need to stay active, rest when I need to, and start to get prepared for having chemotherapy…again!!